💣The Metasploit Framework (MSF)

For this particular session, I did not create any detailed notes. Instead, I have listed the modules used in this session along with a one-line description of their usage. This is not a complete set of notes for this section only. As I am very familiar with The Metasploit Framework (MSF), for more details you can refer to the following documentation for The Metasploit Framework (MSF) by Rapid7.

Nmap Commands

  • Create a new workspace with the specified name:

    workspace -a <workspace_name>
  • Import the results of an Nmap scan into the Metasploit database:

    db_import <nmap_scan_path>
  • List the hosts stored in the Metasploit database:

  • List the services associated with hosts in the Metasploit database:

  • Perform an Nmap scan against a specific IP address, and update the Metasploit database with the scan results:

    db_nmap -Pn -sV -O <ip>
  • List the vulnerabilities identified and stored in the Metasploit database:



Port Scanning with Auxiliary Modules

  • Search for modules related to port scanning within the Metasploit framework:

    search portscan
  • Use curl to make an HTTP request to the specified IP address:

    curl <ip>
  • Run the autoroute module to add routes for the specified IP range, allowing traffic to be routed through the compromised host:

    run autoroute -s <ip_range>

FTP Enumeration

  • Search for auxiliary modules related to FTP in the Metasploit framework:

    search type:auxiliary name:ftp
  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • Determine the FTP server version running on a target host:

    • Perform login attempts against an FTP server to validate credentials:

    • Check if anonymous FTP login is allowed on the target FTP server:

    • Enumerate directories and files on an FTP server:

    • Retrieve a list of directories and files from an FTP server:


SMB Enumeration

  • Search for auxiliary modules related to SMB (Server Message Block) services in the Metasploit framework:

    search type:auxiliary name:smb
  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • Enumerate available shares on an SMB server:

    • Enumerate user accounts on an SMB server:

    • Determine the SMB version and OS information of an SMB server:

    • Perform login attempts against an SMB server to validate credentials:

    • Enumerate group names on an SMB server:


Web Server Enumeration

  • Search for auxiliary modules related to HTTP services in the Metasploit framework:

    search type:auxiliary name:http
  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • Enumerate Apache user directories:

    • Perform directory brute force attacks:

    • Scan for directories on a web server:

    • Check for directory listings on a web server:

    • Test for the HTTP PUT method:

    • Check for files in web directories:

    • Perform HTTP login attempts:

    • Retrieve HTTP headers from web servers:

    • Determine the version of HTTP used by web servers:

    • Retrieve and analyze the robots.txt file from web servers:


MySQL Enumeration:

  • search type:auxiliary name:mysql

    Search for auxiliary modules related to MySQL services in the Metasploit framework.

  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum

      Enumerate MySQL databases and tables.

    • auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_sql

      Execute arbitrary SQL commands against a MySQL server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_file_enum

      Enumerate files on a MySQL server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_hashdump

      Dump password hashes from a MySQL server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login

      Perform login attempts against a MySQL server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_schemadump

      Dump database schemas from a MySQL server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_version

      Determine the version of MySQL running on a server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_writable_dirs

      Identify writable directories on a MySQL server.

SSH Enumeration:

  • search type:auxiliary name:ssh

    Search for auxiliary modules related to SSH (Secure Shell) services in the Metasploit framework.

  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version

      Determine the version of the SSH protocol used by an SSH server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login

      Perform login attempts against an SSH server.

SMTP Enumeration:

  • search type:auxiliary name:smtp

    Search for auxiliary modules related to SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) services in the Metasploit framework.

  • Auxiliary Modules:

    • auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum

      Enumerate SMTP accounts on a mail server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_relay

      Check if the SMTP server allows relaying.

    • auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_user_enum

      Enumerate valid usernames on an SMTP server.

    • auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_vrfy

      Verify the validity of email addresses using SMTP VRFY commands.

    • auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_webmail_enum

      Enumerate webmail accounts associated with an SMTP server.

Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability Scanning With MSF:

  • analyze

    The analyze command is used for analyzing modules, exploits, and vulnerabilities in the Metasploit framework.

  • Metasploit-Autopwn GitHub Script: Metasploit-Autopwn is a GitHub script that automates the process of scanning and exploiting vulnerabilities using Metasploit. It simplifies the task of identifying and exploiting targets.

  • To load a custom module in Metasploit:

    1. sudo mv <module_file> /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins

      Move the custom module file to the Metasploit plugins directory.

    2. load db_autopwn

      Load the db_autopwn module, which is used for automating the exploitation of targets in the Metasploit database.

Vulnerability Scanning With Nessus:

  • db_import <nessus_file_path.nessus> c

    Import a Nessus scan report file into the Metasploit database with the "c" option to clear existing data.

Web App Vulnerability Scanning With WMAP:

  • load wmap

    Load the WMAP (Web Metasploit Automation Project) extension.

  • wmap_

    Access the WMAP sub-menu for further commands.

  • wmap_sites -a <target_URL>

    Add a target URL to the WMAP scan list.

  • wmap_sites -l

    List the target sites currently in the WMAP scan list.

  • wmap_targets -t <target_URL>

    Specify a target URL for scanning.

  • wmap_targets -l

    List the defined target URLs.

  • wmap_run -t

    Run WMAP scans on the specified target.

  • wmap_run -e

    Export WMAP scan results.

  • wmap_vulns -l

    List the discovered vulnerabilities from WMAP scans.


Windows Exploitation

Exploiting A Vulnerable HTTP File Server:

  • exploit/windows/http/rejetto_hfs_exec

    This Metasploit module exploits a remote code execution vulnerability in Rejetto HTTP File Server (HFS). It allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a target system running a vulnerable version of HFS.

Exploiting Windows MS17-010 SMB Vulnerability:

  • exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

    This Metasploit module exploits the MS17-010 vulnerability, also known as EternalBlue, in the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol. It allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a target system running a vulnerable version of Windows.

Exploiting WinRM (Windows Remote Management Protocol):

  • auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_login

    This auxiliary module is used to perform login attempts against a Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service to check for valid credentials.

  • auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_auth_methods

    This auxiliary module enumerates the authentication methods supported by a WinRM service.

  • auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_cmd

    This auxiliary module allows the execution of arbitrary commands on a remote Windows system through the WinRM service.

  • exploit/windows/winrm/winrm_script_exec

    This Metasploit module is used to execute PowerShell scripts on a remote Windows system via the WinRM service.

Exploiting A Vulnerable Apache Tomcat Web Server:

  • exploit/multi/http/tomcat_jsp_upload_bypass

    This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability in Apache Tomcat servers that allows an attacker to bypass file upload restrictions and upload a JSP (JavaServer Pages) webshell, which can lead to remote code execution on the target server.

Linux Exploitation

Exploiting A Vulnerable FTP Server:

  • exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor

    This Metasploit module exploits a backdoor vulnerability in certain versions of the vsftpd FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. It allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the target system.

Exploiting Samba:

  • exploit/linux/samba/is_known_pipename

    This Metasploit module checks if a named pipe exists on a Linux system running Samba. Named pipes can be used for remote code execution and lateral movement in some scenarios.

Exploiting A Vulnerable SSH Server:

  • auxiliary/scanner/ssh/libssh_auth_bypass

    This auxiliary module is used to scan for SSH servers that are vulnerable to the LibSSH authentication bypass vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to SSH servers without proper authentication.

Exploiting A Vulnerable SMTP Server:

  • exploit/linux/smtp/haraka

    This Metasploit module exploits vulnerabilities in the Haraka SMTP server on Linux systems. It allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access and execute arbitrary code on the target system.

Hacker's Mantra:Being a hacker does not say what side you are on. Being a hacker means you know how things actually work and can manipulate the way things actually work for good or for harm. - Dan K

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