〰️Dumping & Cracking Windows Hashes (NTLM Hashes)

Windows Password Hashes

  • The Windows OS stores hashed user account passwords locally in the SAM (Security Accounts Manager) database.

  • Hashing is the process of converting a piece of data into another value. A hashing function or algorithm is used to generate the new value. The result of a hashing algorithm is known as a hash or hash value.

  • Authentication and verification of user credentials is facilitated by the Local Security Authority (LSA).

  • Windows versions up to Windows Server 2003 utilize two different types of hashes:

    • LM

    • NTLM

  • Windows disables LM hashing and utilizes NTLM hashing from Windows Vista onwards.

SAM Database

  • SAM (Security Account Manager) is a database file that is responsible for managing user accounts and passwords on Windows. All user account passwords stored in the SAM database are hashed.

  • The SAM database file cannot be copied while the operating system is running.

  • The Windows NT kernel keeps the SAM database file locked and as a result, attackers typically utilize in-memory techniques and tools to dump SAM hashes from the LSASS process.

  • In modern versions of Windows, the SAM database is encrypted with a syskey.


  • NTLM is a collection of authentication protocols that are utilized in Windows to facilitate authentication between computers. The authentication process involves using a valid username and password to authenticate successfully.

  • From Windows Vista onwards, Windows disables LM hashing and utilizes NTLM hashing.

  • When a user account is created, it is encrypted using the MD4 hashing algorithm, while the original password is disposed of.

  • NTLM improves upon LM in the following ways:

    • Does not split the hash in to two chunks.

    • Case sensitive.

    • Allows the use of symbols and unicode characters.

Dumping & Cracking NTLM Hashes

  • We can dump Windows password hashes by leveraging various utilities like:

    • The inbuilt meterpreter “hashdump” command

  • After we have dumped the hashes, we can crack them through the use of the following utilities:

Meterpreter Commands:

  • pgrep lsass – Find the process ID (PID) of the "lsass" process.

  • migrate 708 – Migrate to another process with the PID 708.

  • hashdump – Dump password hashes from memory.

Cracking Password Hashes with John the Ripper:

To crack password hashes using John the Ripper, you can use the following command:

john --format=NT hashes.txt

This command attempts to crack password hashes stored in the "hashes.txt" file using John the Ripper, with the specified hash format.

Cracking Password Hashes with Hashcat:

To crack password hashes using Hashcat, you can use the following command:

hashcat -a3 -m 1000 hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

This command uses Hashcat with attack mode 3 and hash mode 1000 to attempt to crack password hashes stored in the "hashes.txt" file using the "rockyou.txt" wordlist.

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